Apsara Rani shot to fame with her bold and glamor treat in her films on the big screen. She is now getting ready to entertain movie lovers with her next film Racharikam. The film starred Varun Sandesh in important role and is releasing on 31 Jan 2025. Let us see what Racharikam offered to movie lovers.
Racharikam story is all about male power and how they wield an iron-like grip in the village and crush women and the lower caste and what happens when they face a revolt. Raja Reddy (Srikanth Iyengar) rules Rachakonda unopposed and he craves for a baby girl. But fate has other plans. Where this leads to and whether Raja Reddy (Srikanth Iyengar) realised his CM ambitions, what role his daughter Bhargavi (Apsara Rani), his son Vivek (Varun Sandesh), Bhargavi lover Shiva (Vijay Shankar) played form the interesting part.
Srikanth Iyengar looked cruel in the role of an aspiring politician. He showed good emotions and expressions along with his body language. Varun Sandesh sported a different look and sported a bulky and hefty personality on the screen. He looked serious and impactful.
Apsara Rani not only showed her glamor and beauty on the screen in the first half but in the second half she surprises all by the turnover in her character delivering powerful dialogues. Vijay Shankar played the lead role and he looked good on screen. But he should improve his dialogue delivery.
Hyper Aadi, Rangasthalam Mahesh made their presence felt along with other cast. The actor who played Byreddy looked menacing and scared all with his looks and impactful screen presence.
Racharikam story penned by Suresh Lankalapalli is a predictable political drama. He showed how women are oppressed, how people prefer boy child, caste, upper and lowever class differentiation, how village politics turnout to be and the extreme violence in a natural way. However viewers are treated to such scenes umpteen times by various filmmakers on the big screen.
The entire first half is devoted to the violence of the rival groups and political oneupmanship and simultaneously the love tract between the lead pair. The first half comes to an end with a decent interval twist. The second half turns emotional and more violent and except for few dialogues here and there, everything turnsout to be routine.
To the top of it, hero's character has been diluted to the side character in the second half. The story turned out to be routine and screenplay followed the familiar template and direction has got nothing novel in it.
Vengi came up with couple of foottapping and melodious tunes and they are well choreographed. Few songs are situational but at times they acted as speedbrakers. The editing of JP is ok in the first half but hit the downside in the second half with lot of repetitive scenes and dragged narration. The cinematography of Arya Sai Krishna is good and he showed the village rustic atmosphere in a decent manner. Production values are good.
Altogether, Racharikam turns out to be a routine political drama in the village backdrop. Director Suresh Lankalapalli showed Apsara Rani not only as a glamor doll but also in a powerful role. He showed powerful villains but he diluted the lead character after all the buildup disappointing all. Finally Considering all these things, Cinejosh goes with a 2 rating for Racharikam.