The Indian Institute of Technology at Hyderabad (IIT-H ), allegedly disturbed by the gay activism of one of its faculty named Ashley Tellis and he was sacked two weeks ago. Tellis, an academic with around 20 years of teaching experience, was shown the door in less than a year of joining IIT.
Tellis earlier worked with Bombay University (1991) and later at St. Stephens College,Delhi and lastly at at English and Foreign Languages University (Eflu), Hyderabad and was sacked from all these on allegations of gay activism in campus. Few media sources said that Tellis was asked to leave for his unlawful behaviour and deviant mischief.
Though IIT-H director Uday Desai was nopt availabe to comment on this news but Tellis, the published author and a doctorate from Cambridge University is working in humanities of wing in IIT-H is now getting ready to file Right to Information application seeking reasons behind his termination.