This is the perfect time for State Government to fill its exchequer with crores and crores of currency. As the Liquor Shop Auctions in the state are in full swing, Rajiv Gandhi Auditorium in Hyderabad where the sealed tenders are opened up before the bidders, the situation was like ‘Madyma Maha Lakshmi’ pouring its blessings on Rosaiah’s bankrupt Government.
As per the available news, a Liquor Shop in Nadikudi of Guntur district was bidded the highest in State and the amount for which this hop is sold is Rs. 5.21 Crores. To follow Nadikudi, in second position is a shop in Dachepalli again of Guntur district sold at Rs. 4.92 Crores and the third position goes to a shop in Visakhapatnam with bid cost Rs. 4.72 Crores.
All in all, the tender deposit amount (Rs. 10,000 per bid, non refundable) alone has fectehd Government an amount of nearly Rs. 300 crores. In many areas, various bidders have closely formed into Associations not to let the tenders reach their opposition parties while in Coastal Andhra, it was the monopoly of Congress leaders.
This call for Liquor Shop Tenders by State Government will be valid for next two years and the bid amount will have to be paid by respective winners in six instalments (Once in every four months) .