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Data Science In Digital Marketing Secrets Revealed

Data Science In Digital Marketing Secrets Revealed

Data Science can be considered as one of the most effective tools today to analyze a huge volume of data and derive meaningful information from it. Data Science is also known as data-driven science which is used as a combination of various fields of work like statistics and computation. The information derived from the analysis can be used by firms to improve decision making for the company.

Digital Marketing and Data Science can be considered as the two sides of the same coin. Digital marketing will not be apparent without data science. Data that gets collected from the different customers is analyzed and digital marketing strategies are developed to suit the needs of the customers.

Data Science helps marketers to gather and analyses relevant data points which can help in deriving meaningful conclusion regarding the needs and wants of the customers. It allows for improving the accuracy of data.

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There are mainly 3 types of media where data science is widely used.

1) Owned media: This includes organization website include the blogs as well as the internal portals. Similarly, in the email marketing activities, subscription-based marketing etc., data science plays an important role.

2) Earned media: This includes social media response, traffic on organizations blogs etc.

3) Paid media: Online marketing campaigns, search engine optimization, paid search, Affiliate and influential marketing etc. are some of the digital marketing techniques where data science is extremely useful.

Below are some of the benefit of implementing digital science for digital marketing.

Planning a faster campaign: Data points gathered from various media sources help you understand how, when, why the customer gets associated with your brand. Thus, data science plays an important role in identifying customer behaviour. Marketing campaigns are designed by analyzing the customer buying behaviour which makes the campaign more effective.

Contextual targeting: This is considered as one of the most effective ways to reach out to the customers. It allows advertisers to publish relevant advertisements on the content of the website. The advertisements are customized as per the browsing history of the customers. Based on the personality and identity of the customer, the advertisements get selected. This creates a win-win situation for both the customer and the advertisers.

Risk identification and mitigation: Another important area where data science is leveraged today is mitigating risk and fraud activities online. Data scientists have the capability to identify data points that stands out. Fraud propensity models are created using data methodologies and thus prevent data breaches.

Identifying opportunities: As it is widely accepted today that data is the new oil. Data scientists today, analyze the data of the organization, challenging the existing business processes and come up with new and improved algorithms to extract more value from the organizational data.

Recruiting right people at right time: Data available on job search websites, social media platforms, corporate websites etc. allows data scientists to come up with algorithms to identify the resources who will be the right fit for the organization. Thus data science not only helps in reducing the manual effort of going through each and every bio-data of candidates, but also helps to identify the right candidate for the company.

Inventateq, which is a premier institute for digital marketing course in bangalore utilizes the data science to enhance its courses on different topics on a regular basis. This unique methodology backs Inventateq in building a cutting edge training model for Data Science training in Bangalore and Artificial Intelligence course to serve the students at a national level to build their job oriented skills.

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Press release by: Indian Clicks, LLC

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