This has been a dream run for ‘Sakshi’ TV as it is set to celebrate first birthday on a winning note but a little sad with out the presence of YS Rajashekhar Reddy. This is a humble and good gesture by Sakshi TV that they are projecting the success of their channel as a collective effort of each and every employee of their office from the range of a security police man, a cab driver till their CEO Sakshi Ram Reddy.
A wonderful promo of their Sakshi TV celebrating the first anniversary is now been telecasted in the channel giving the due share to entire staff being shown as a part of this promo. One thing that may strike you after viewing the promo is that where was YS Jaganmohan Reddy? Starting from the watchman at entrance gate till CEO Sakshi Ram Reddy, every one made their appearance in this promo, but why was YS Jagan missed, is a billion dollar question raised by few of hardcore YS Jagan fans.
Yes, it is their ‘koththa bangaru lokam..meeku kaavaali sontham…’ but not without YS Jagan right?