In the wee hours on Monday, Maoists shot down Saraiah a former village sarpanch in Warangl district. His wife Samakka at present is the sarpanch of Lingala village.The extremists about 20 in number numbered forced their way inot Saraiah’s house and took him and his son Jagan as captives. They took him to the outskirts of the village and tied them to a tree. Later they shot at Saraiah killed him and left his son with a warning.They claimed that Sariah was a police informer and if any one indulges in such activities will meet the same fate.
It is really tragic that this incident took place right after the festival of Diwali when people were so happy.
The Maoists seem to be picking up momentum after YSR’s death. The government is presently preoccupied with too many problems and the Maoists are taking advantage of this to make their presence felt in the state.