T-News, the official media channel of Telangana Rashtra Samithi political party is caught up in a controversy. Congress Leader Shabbir Ali demanded Government to reclaim the land allotted to TRS for building their Party office. The issue goes like Congress is accusing TRS for misusing its Party Office of Telangana Bhavan in running a TV News Channel. One acre of land in which present TRS Office exists in costly area of Banjara Hills, Road No.12 is the official address of T-News and this is the place from where channel is actually run.
This land is allotted by YSR at a dead cheap price of Rs.100 per Sq. Yard that is Rs.4.84 Lakhs in total. ‘TRS Chief KCR misused the land and TRS building by running a channel which is against the norms imposed before the allotment of Government land,’ said Shabbir Ali.