Pulivendula MLA YS Vijayalakshmi was sworn in by Pro-tem Assembly Speaker JC Diwakar Reddy on Friday on the Assembly premises after she was re-elected with a thumping majority on the YSR Congress Party ticket. The brief ceremony was attended by MP-elect and her son YS Jaganmohan Reddy, MP Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy, MLAs Konda Surekha, Jayasudha, Shobha Nagireddy, K Srinivas, Dwarampudi Chandrasekhar, Dharmanna Krishnadas, Bharathi, Adinarayana Reddy and Golla Babu Rao. MLCs Pulla Padmavathi and Konda Murali were also present. After the ceremony, MLA Adinarayana Reddy stated that the Speaker should be unanimously elected to his post as per the tradition. “It is a tradition not to field any candidate for the Speaker and Legislative Council Chairman’s post. Both the posts should be elected unanimously without any competition,” he stated. Mr Adinarayana Reddy’s statement assumes importance in the wake of TDP announcing plans that it would field its own candidate KE Krishna Murthy to Speaker’s post. When asked about party’s stand on the No Confidence Motion to be introduced by the Telugu Desam Party, Mr Adinarayana Reddy stated that the party would take a decision at an appropriate time. “The notice to introduce the Motion given by the TDP has many lapses. We will have to study it thoroughly. If need be, we will have to reconsider our decision of supporting the No Confidence Motion,” he said.