HYDERABAD, Sept 19 :
The GO issued on Thursday making it mandatory for all officers using constables as orderlies to send them back immediately brought cheers on the faces of the constables. The constables seem to heave a sigh of relief on hearing this news but still they are apprehensive when it will come into force as many of their colleagues working in the officers houses have not yet been relieved.
According to a source representing the constables here, about 700 constables of the Armed Reserve police - Central Police Lines are working with senior officers in various capacities. Except for 200 constables who were posted in the offices the rest of them are working as cleaners, cooks, gardeners and caretakers.
Only a few have been relieved from their duties till today, and we do not know what will happen to the rest, a constable told the media.
Some of the constables shared the ordeals they encountered while working as orderlies. One of the constables who worked as an orderly till recently interacting with the media said `` it was really a very mean job. Early in the morning I had to walk-in do the gardening work and even take the pets out for a walk.’’
Another constable who also worked in the same capacity told the press `` if we refuse to do any work that has been assigned to us we are under the threat of suspension. We know we are taking a risk if we disappoint our bosses . So even though we don’t like to do it we are forced to do it unwillingly.’’
Referring to the Government’s plan of recruiting orderlies for these mean type of jobs, the constables showed their resentment saying that Government employees should not be subjected to such treatment. The officers who are earning good pay pockets should go for alternative arrangements instead of wasting the Government machinery.