Swami Nithyananda’s new avatar is coming up before media with the 430 page charge sheet filed by Karnataka CID few weeks ago. ‘I am Krishna and you are my Gopika,’ is the appalling kicking up punch line used by this 33 year old Swami to seduce his female devotees.
Complaint by a young lady accusing the Swami of sexual abuse, insisted on ‘seeking moksha through sexual union’ with several female devotees made CID to prepare this new charge sheet. The non-disclosure agreements (NDA) which Swami made his devotees sign were also seized which are full of sexual content. By signing this document, volunteer irrevocably acknowledges that he/she is voluntarily giving unconditional acceptance to all sex activities of Swami. DIG said that number of sexual victims of Swami could be not less than 15. One of these victims, heroine Ranjitha is still absconding.