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Stench defeats purpose of Mayor's field trip

 Hyderabad Mayor Banda Karthika Reddy on Saturday regretted not carrying a handkerchief with her, especially when she needed it most.

She needed the handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose to escape the unbearable stench at the Begumbazaar fish market.

Ms Karthika Reddy was at the fish market as part of her planned tour to nine markets owned by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. Of these nine markets out of the 25 owned by the Corporation, the Mayor managed to visit only four on Saturday. The Mozzam Jahi Market has 189 shops at the rate of 62 paise per sq ft. The Begumbazaar Fish Market has 173 shops spread on one acre of land. These shops fetch 32 paise per sq ft to the GHMC. Apart from the Uppal Market, the rents were fixed in 1981 and have not been increased since.

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Likewise, the Murgi Chowk has 210 shops which are charged 21 paise per sq ft. The Uppal Market has 196 shops. This was built in 1999 and allotted to the shopkeepers in 2000. Relatively in a much better condition, these shops fetch the GHMC Rs 4.71 per sq ft.

The tour was taken out to inspect the shops and then increase the rents after talking to the shopkeepers.

Ms Karthika Reddy’s envy of the three Standing Committee members, Additional Commissioner Planning, Estates Officer, Zonal Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and other officials of having handkerchiefs on their person came at the Begumbazaar fish market and the Moazzam Jahi Markets when she was overpowered at the stench of rotting fish and vegetables.

The shopkeepers had been told about the trip beforehand, and they had arguments ready to counter the proposed hike of rentals.

The condition of the shops there, especially the leaking roofs at the Moazzam Jahi Market, stagnant sewerage water, lack of drinking water and toilets, absence of streetlights and the piles of garbage, made sure that these shopkeepers did not need to enter into any arguments.

The Mayor came, saw and left defeated.  

After all, who could challenge the total neglect of the GHMC properties with the evidence not only before the eyes, but also in the nose?

The overwhelming evidence before the Mayor forced her to announce that these markets would be developed and also make her vow that the problems would be immediately addressed.

Ms Karthika Reddy promised to demolish the market in Murgi Chowk and rebuild it. This would be easy since the roof of the market had caved in a long time ago and only the four walls remain intact.

Former Mayor Mir Zulfiqar Ali suggested that the Murgi Chowk could be developed as part of the Charminar Pedestrian Project.

Mr Zulfiqar also suggested that the markets be developed through the Build-Operate-Transfer mode. Mr Zulfiqar’s suggestions might have been very well meaning. But offering a suggestion when someone is making promises sometimes lead to the person making promises stop and reconsider. It is feared that these suggestions may have just acted like the proverbial spanner in the works. 

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