Dhoni eyeing Tollywood. Star cricketer MS.Dhoni enjoys a fan following among all sections of people across the world. Dhoni who captained Team India for two world cups and CSK to record five times in IPL and tied with the top spot with MI, is now venturing into production. His film LGM (Let's Get Married) is a Tamil film directed by Ramesh Thamilamani.
Now reports are coming that Dhoni's second production venture will also be a Tamil project. In the meantime, reports are coming that Dhoni is also keen to explore the Tollywood market.
He is planning to do a Telugu project. Now all eyes are on Telugu stars and which Telugu hero will star in Dhoni's production house and which director will direct the project.
Dhoni is planning to come up with a medium-budget film and is holding discussions with the second-rung heroes. No hero will reject Dhoni if he approaches as all are his diehard fans. Reports are coming that the film would be a trilingual entertainer in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi.