Stars joined Vijay's LEO shoot. Vijay's LEO directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj is progressing at a brisk pace. The film's Chennai schedule started on 5 April in the Film City. The schedule which was supposed to start a week back got delayed as the erection of sets did not get completed.
Sanjay Dutt, Trisha, Arjun Sarja, and Priya Anand will be joining the Chennai schedule. Trisha and Priya Anand who participated in the Kashmir schedule will take part in Chennai shoot also. Lokesh Kanagaraj is turning Trisha and Priya Anand's roles more stronger than before.
With Vijay making his Instagram debut recently and got tremendous response, his fans expect him to share more stills from the shooting spot. The film's final schedule will be happening in RFC,Hyderabad. Gautham Menon, Mysskin, Mansoor Ali Khan, Sandy, and Mathew Thomas are the other actors.
The music for the film is tuned by Anirudh Ravichander and the film is set for a grand release on 19 October.