Fahadh Faasil needs no introduction to Telugu audience after Pushpa. He made a lasting impression with tonsured head in the role of SP Bhanwar Singh Shekawat. It is also known that he is married to Nazriya, the Ante Sundaraniki actress who made audience fall for her in the film with Nani. Fahadh has recently completed Dhoomam, a Hombale films production which is a multilingual. Now he moves to his next project with director Jithu Madhavan.
Jithu Madhavan made his debut as a director with recently released Malayalm film Romancham. The film has become talk of the south film industry. It was made with a budget of Rs 3 Crores and has gone on to make more than Rs 50 Crores since it's release. It was made as a horror entertainer based on real incidents with Bengaluru backdrop.
Fahad Faasil's film with Jithu Madhavan is produced by his own production company, Fahadh Faasil and Friends and Anwar Rasheed Entertainment.The movie is said to be set in a college in Bengaluru and is a comedy. Fahadh's wife Nazriya Nazim Fahadh posted on her social media a shot of the clapping board used on sets announcing the project officially.
Cinematographer Sameer Thahir and music director Sushin Shyam, who scored the music for Romancham, are part of this new project. Fahadh Faasil himself is producing this film.