Thalapathy Vijay's Varisu Telugu version Vaarasudu released in theatres on 14th January. The film was supposed to be released on 11th January along with Tamil version but due to dubbing works issue the film was delayed by three days. Many thought that as both the Telugu biggies Veera Simha Reddy and Waltair Veerayya are performing good at the Box-office, Vaarasudu might face tough situation. But, to everyone's surprise Vaarasudu opened to very good occupancies accross the Telugu states.
The film also earned decent word of mouth. Many are saying that the second half worked for the audience and will be a perfect watch for families this Sankranthi. The film is also in Telugu flavour with some Vijay's Tamil films references. The film fetched Rs 3.3 Crores share on its first day. Though the figure is much less compared to first day collections of Vijay's previous films Master and Beat. It is still a good number considering the competition it is facing. Let's see how the film fares in the coming days. Vaarasudu is directed by Vamshi Paidipally while it is produced by Dil Raju.
Here are the details about Vaarasudu collections area wise in two Telugu states.
Vaarasudu Day 1 AP-TG Total SHARE :- 3.3CR
Nizam: 1.40Cr
Ceeded: 60L ( including Tamil from 11th )
UA: 42L
East: 18L
West: 18L
Guntur: 18L
Krishna: 19L
Nellore: 13L