VIshnu Vishal is known for his action-packed and thought-provoking entertainers. His film FIR captured the imagination of all. Manu Anand's directed thriller appealed to all though it created a huge controversy. Raviteja who associated with the project and presented the film in Telugu, however opted out after the controversy. However, Raviteja once again teamed with Vishnu Vishal for his film Matti Kusthi.
Now, Vishnu Vishal is readying FIR2, the sequel to the project. Vishnu Vishal shared the news on social media posting " FIR 2 soon'. Ashwath is the music director for the first part which starred Gautham Menon, Reba Monica John, Manjima Mohan, Parvathi T, Razia Wilson, Ram C, Vignesh Vijayan.
The film featured Vishnu as the Abu Bakker Abdulla a Muslim youth who becomes the most wanted by the cops, with Gautham Menon playing a cop who is on his hunt.