All eyes are on Natasimha Balakrishna's upcoming project with Anil Ravipudi. The project referred to as NBK108 is the cynosure of all eyes as Anil Ravipudi is promising to show Balakrishna in a completely different avatar. While Balakrishna will be seen in dual roles, people are excited as Anil Ravipudi revealed that Balakrishna will be seen having a young daughter.
Balakrishna will be seen as the father of Pelli SandaD beauty Sree Leela. The project will be launched in an extravagant manner on December 8. Now reports are coming that the regular shooting will kickstart with emotional scenes on Balakrishna and Sree Leela.
Currently, pre-production work is in full swing regarding the scenes to be shot on Balakrishna and Sree Leela. Thaman is the music director for the film bankrolled by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the Shine Screens banner.