When Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested in a Mumbai cruise last year for the possession of drugs and on charges of drug peddling, everyone got a huge shock. Entire media and people baying for the blood of Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan.
But after a few months, the NCB court released Aryan Khan on bail for lack of evidence. Now NCB came up with a shocking report over the investigation officers saying that the 7-8 officers framed Aryan Khan in the drug case. The internal report of the NCB found that 7-8 officers' behavior was suspicious as they changed their statements 3 to 4 times.
NCB revealed that the special investigation team (SIT) set up by the NCB top brass submitted its vigilance report to the NCB headquarters in Delhi, today. When Aryan Khan was arrested NCB officials charged him saying - "a regular user of drugs", he was involved in "illicit drug trafficking", and he was a participant in "procuring and distribution of drugs".