The makers of Balakrishna's NBK107 on the birthday of Balakrishna on June 10, 2022, released the powerful first hunt (teaser) to thrill the fans. According to the latest, the first hunt is showing power on social media and took over youtube. The First Hunt Video got a thumping response from all the sections and Gopichand Malineni has been getting appreciation calls. The director presented Balakrishna in a completely new avatar and the character design is truly remarkable. Balakrishna’s rugged avatar, powerful dialogues, screen presence, mass swag, and heavy action in the teaser are a treat to watch.
The video clocked 11Million+ views with 320K+ likes for now. It is still trending in the top position as a video-sharing platform. The poster too received a huge response. The film stars Shruti Haasan as the female lead while Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar and Duniya Vijay are playing important roles.
Music for the film is scored by Thaman and Dil Raju is bankrolling the project n a prestigious manner on Sri Venkateswara Creations.