Ever since the tragic and heartbreaking separation of Naga Chaitanya and Samantha, trollers are having a field day. While some are targeting Naga Chaitanya, others are blasting Samantha for the separation though the couple made clear that they have arrived at the decision on mutual consent. From then on, their actions are closely monitored and even the dialogues in their films are attributed to their personal lives.
Naga Chaitanya's Thank You teaser got a tremendous response the moment it was released a couple of days back. Naga Chaitanya's dialogue 'Nannu nenu sari cheskotaaniki, nenu chesthunna prayaname Thank you ! 'got a tremendous response and many started attacking Samantha for Naga Chaitanya's current condition and dialogues.
Some netizens said, it was other way around and Naga Chaitanya should be blamed for everything. In the midst of all this, hot hunk Rana responded with the post "Nuvvu already sari aiyipoyyavu brother superb teaser guy! Best wishes" Netizens are trying to decode Rana's inner and hidden meaning.