Super Star Mahesh Babu's recent release Sarkaru Vaari Paata directed by Parasuram which hit the screens on 12, May 2022 had a sensational opening and is going strong at the box office across the world. The film is breaking many records with its collections. But what shocked the makers is even before the release of the film, few anti-fans started trending the SVPdisaster hashtag.
Now with the film's resounding openings and sensational collections, Mythri Movie Makers who bankrolled the project, took on the negative hashtag trends. Taunting them, they posted "From negative hashtag trends & memes even before the early shows were completed to now seeing #BlockbusterSVP trending on top while the 1st and 2nd shows are going fulls all over on the 3rd day..Enjoy the SuperStar Swag Season you all and thank you audiences for the Love "
The film is directed by Parasuram and starred Keerthy Suresh as the female lead and Samuthirakhani as the antagonist. Thaman scored the music.