Harish Shankar who is known for his high octane mass action entertainers today sprang a surprise by sharing his picture with Bollywood superstar and Most Wanted Bhai Salman Khan. Sharing his picture with Salman Khan, Harish Shankar posted "Happened to witness the mesmerizing aura of @BeingSalmanKhanthanks a lot Bhai … had a great time and experienced one of the beautiful moments of life … thanks again for ur precious time … thank you @MytriOfficial Naveen Yerneni gaaru for making this happen"
This is making people wonder what's cooking between Harish Shankar, Salman Khan, and Mythri Movie Makers. Salman Khan is doing a special role in Chiranjeevi's Godfather. It is known that Harish Shankar remade Salman Khan's Dabang as Gabbar Singh with Pawan Kalyan and it turned out to be a blockbuster. Rumors are going viral that Mythri Movie Makers are planning a biggie with Salman Khan and Harish Shankar.
Harish Shankar is set to direct Pawan Kalyan in Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh. Salman Khan scored resounding hits and revived his career by remaking hit South films.