Ram Charan and NTR's multi starrer RRR directed by Rajamouli is releasing on March 25, 2022. In the midst of all this, NTR and Ram Charan according to sources are gripped with fear. It is known that for the first time, top Tollywood stars Ram Charan and NTR are starring in a multi starrer.
It is coming out that Rajamouli elevated the role of NTR to the core and fans of NTR are celebrating it making the news viral. Inside talk is except for a few scenes where Ram Charan is elevated, NTR outclassed and outperformed him in various important and key scenes. Except for the scene where Ram Charan arrests NTR and where he thrashes him black and blue, in all other scenes, NTR dominated Ram Charan.
Fans of Ram Charan are worried and are expressing their anger on Rajamouli. They accuse Rajamouli of being partial to NTR. Even Rajamouli went on record that he loved NTR's performance more than Ram Charan. Now inside talk is NTR and Ram Charan are gripped with fear. This is because they are wondering how they have to control their fans as already they are waging bitter wars on social media and once the film is released, they will take to the streets.
Apart from it, they are worried that after attaining stardom with RRR, how their future will be. This is because actors who scored hits with Rajamouli later struggled a lot. Ram Charan and NTR fear that their fans' wars may spoil their friendship and bonhomie playing on the ego.