All eyes are on Ram Charan, NTR's upcoming multi starrer RRR directed by Rajamouli. The film is set for a spectacular strike across the world on March 25, 2022. Movie lovers are waiting eagerly to enjoy the visual extravaganza on the big screen. The makers are getting ready to kickstart the promotions once again in an extravagant manner.
In the meantime, it is coming out that the RRR will be premiered in a lavish and prestigious manner in London. Inside talk is RRR will be premiered at the famous and renowned Odeon BFI IMAX present in London. Odeon BFI IMAX happens to be the biggest IMAX in London.
Movie lovers are getting excited on hearing the news. Couple of days back news came out that RRR will be promoted at the world's tallest tower Burj Khalifa, Dubai from March 15. The film stars beautiful Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris as the female leads and features Ajay Devgn, Shriya Sharan, Samuthirakhani in important roles. Music is scored by Keeravani.