Siddhu Jonnalagadda, known for his youthful entertainers is coming to entertain viewers with his upcoming flick DJ Tillu. The film which was supposed to release during Sankranti got postponed due to covid. According to the latest, the makers confirmed the film's new release date. The film will be releasing in a grand manner on February 4th.
The makers confirmed the release date in the most romantic manner by releasing a new poster which featured Siddhu Jonnalagadda and the female lead Neha Shetty in an intense liplock. This poster is exciting all youngsters driving them crazy. DJ Tillu is directed by newcomer Vimal Krishna.
Prince Cecil, Brahmaji, Pragathi, Narra Srinivas are playing important roles in the film for which music is scored by Anirudh Ravichander. Cinematography is handled by Sai Prakash Ummadisingu while editing is handled by Naveen Nooli. Suryadevara Ramakrishna is producing on the Sithara Entertainments banner.