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Employee Leaders Tit for Tat to Jagan Reddy on January Salaries

Employee Leaders Tit for Tat to Jagan Reddy on January 2022 Salaries

Employee Leaders Tit for Tat to Jagan Reddy on January Salaries

The AP employees' protest against 'Reverse PRC' is intensifying with each passing day while the the employees, literally, are at loggerheads with the government on January month's salaries.

For the past three days, a couple of G.Os have been released by the government directing the heads of treasuries and Pay & Accounts departments to clear the pay rolls of the employees with their new pay scales announced recently. 

However, the treasury officials and Pay & Accounts Department have also extended their solidarity to the employees' agitation such that they are not clearing January month's bills. On the other hand, employees are worrying if the January month's bills are processed, there will be no raise of their pay henceforth. As such, they were determined not to get the salaries with the new PRC.

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On the other hand, the government has released another G.O. which reads Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) will be taken severe action if they don't submit the salary bills of their subordinates. 

Having understood the blackmailing tactics of the government, the employee leaders released a letter which is to be signed by every employee at the ground level. Every employee should assert that he denies the salary from the new PRC and sticks to getting old salaries with the merger of five new DAs announced recently. These letters would save the DDOs from the risk of suspension. If the government decides to take action, it has to suspend lakhs of employees at once. Will Jagan Reddy dare to do it?

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