The AP employees had to take an extreme decision. Now that Jagan Reddy is too adamant to take the faulty PRC GOs back, all the employee associations have come under one roof and formed 'PRC Sadhana Samithi'.
The associations unanimously decided to go on an indefinite strike from February 7. Accordingly, the strike notice would be issued to AP CS on Monday. The employee leaders seek the appointment of the CS on Monday.
On the other hand, various programmes for agitation have been planned by the employee leaders. They will hold a round table conference on Sunday. Thereafter, district level rallies will be conducted by the employed while non cooperation to the government is planned between February 3 and 5.
The prime demands of the employees are cancellation of PRC GOs, revelation of Ashutosh Mishra committee's reports and the discussions with the government for a better PRC.