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Reasons for Teachers Protest Blockbuster: PRC, Schools Disaster

Reasons for Teachers Protest Super Success: PRC, Schools Disaster

A huge turnout of teachers across the AP state lay siege to collectorates protesting against the unjustifiable PRC.  It is termed by the political analysts as a historical success as they witnessed such a huge protest from the AP employees decades ago. 

The analysts, however, also observed that a flawed PRC is not the only reason for the teachers' agitation. In the guise of a 'better PRC demand', the teachers took revenge on Jagan Reddy. But for what reasons had teachers staged the tremendous protest? It's said destrayal of the school education system made teachers angry and pursued vendetta against the government. Checkout the following reasons why school education is being spoiled according to the teachers.

* The primary and high schools are run with a single medium, English. There's an end of Telugu medium education. However, considering only one medium the government tries to reduce the number of teacher posts in every school. Obviously, teachers have failed to take individual care of the students owing to the fully packed and crowded classrooms. 

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* Too many apps are introduced in the education department and teachers are forced to update various data, photos and videos in the apps. Naturally, the teachers lack concentration on the teaching-learning process which is actually mandatory in schools but not these apps.

* As per a pathetic development, primary classes such as 3,4 and 5 classes were merged in high schools. But then, Jagan Reddy had no 'INGITHA GNAANAM' (senses) to fill the needed teacher posts immediately. Obviously, the high school teachers have to bear a huge burden upon them. Furthermore, they feel they got their posts reverted as primary teachers as if they were punished by the government for committing a crime. 

* On the other hand, students of primary schools were forced to travel upto 3km distance to reach nearby high schools. As the number of students and classes has drastically reduced, so many schools were made single teacher schools in primary schools' wing.

* Above all, teachers' self esteem is seized with the strange job chart allocated for them. Teachers have to capture the toilet cleaning photos and upload them to the apps. It must be recalled that teachers were forced to stand in front of liquor shops to control the queues of liquor consumers. 

BOTTOM-LINE: Jagan Reddy's farewell days appeared to have kick-started. Teachers took that initiative. Way to go!

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