Overwhelmed with the response Allu Arjun's Pushpa The Rise got from movie lovers across the country, the makers are gearing up for the film's second part Pushpa The Rule. Speculation is on that Sukumar is working hard to ensure that there will not be any drags and loopholes in the script as was felt in Pushpa The Rise. It is known that Pushpa The Rise was released in a hurried manner much against the wishes of Sukumar on the diktat of Allu Arjun who feared that the rising covid cases would hamper the film release later.
Allu Arjun was proven right but in the process, quality was compromised as was seen in the BGM, CGI, and VFX and also many drags and unnecessary scenes. But all that was erased as movie lovers owned the film completely turning it out to be the biggest hit in 2021. Sukumar is now keen not to repeat the mistake and iron out all those shortcomings.
Sukumar is planning to rope in top Bollywood beauty for a special song in part two. Buzz is he is considering stars like Disha Patani or Kiara Advani for the same. Sukumar is planning to include powerful emotions in part 2. Speaking to scribes on his birthday, Sukumar revealed that there will be more scope for Anasuya and Sunil and plans are on to resume shoot from February and release the film in December 2022. Sukumar in order to do so is turning the script razor-tight to avoid criticism.