Rajamouli's RRR got postponed indefinitely following the surge in Omicron cases across the country. However, the RRR team is generating interest with their interactions with the media. According to the latest, Young Tiger NTR during his interaction with Bollywood actress Saheba Bali compared RRR stars with his favorite dishes.
NTR comparing Ram Charan with Pani Puri he said ' just like how Pan Puri gives different flavor in mouth, Ram Charan also is full of different flavors and tastes. He compared Rajamouli with Hyderabadi Biryani. He said ' though it looks easy, it is difficult to cook and Rajamouli resembles that'.
NTR compared Alia Bhatt with Irani Bun Mask and Ajay Devgn with Vada Pav. He said Ajay Devgn comes with Marashtra style and so he compared him with Vada Pav. He even introduced Telangana and Andhra special dishes like Chepala Pulusu and Chicken to Saheba Bali. NTR's witty comments are going viral on social media.