Renowned anchor Suma is getting ready to entertain movie lovers with her upcoming film Jayamma Panchayathi. According to the latest the makers today released the film's teaser. Hot Hunk Rana released the teaser wished the makers all the best and showered praises on Suma exclaiming ' ammadiyamma Jayamma'.
The teaser showed Suma as Jayamma, a powerful village woman who doesn't care about anyone or anything. Her powerful oneliners taking on her rivals attract the attention of all. The village atmosphere is recreated in a beautiful manner and the background score elevated the scenes.
Vijay Kumar Kalivarapu is making his debut as a director with this film. Deviprasad, Dinesh, Shalini are playing important roles in the film produced by Balaga Prakash on Vennela Creations. Cinematography is handled by Anush Kumar which is nearing completion. Top stars like Nani and Ram Charan earlier released the film's first single and film's first look to delight fans.