It is known that Vijay Devarakonda attained stardom after undergoing lot of hardships. He never expected his brother Anand Devarakonda to enter into films. Anand was well settled as a software engineer in USA and he returned back to enter into films. Anand Devarakonda thus shocked Vijay Devarakonda with his entry into films.
During Pushpaka Vimanam promotions, Anand asked Vijay what he would have advised had he known about his plans to enter into films. Vijay Devarakonda told ' I would have asked you to f..k off and do your job. I wasn't knowing your intentions at that time'. Anand said ' I thought about film debut after lot of deliberation and finally decided to enter into films. I know that Vijay would never support me and I have to struggle on my own. But I decided to do it and prove myself without anyone's support'