Sky Lab stars Gauri , Anand and Ramarao in the lead roles under the direction of Vishak Khande Rao. The film also stars Nithya Menon, Satyadev, Tanikella Bharani, Vishnu Oi, Anusha and Tulasi in important roles. The film's post-production is underway and inside talk is it is in the final stages. The makers revealed "Let’s go on a dreamy ride to 1979, to the beautiful world of Bandalingampally! SKYLAB is crashing soon in THEATRES ”,
The film's story has a 1979 backdrop and touches on the events that happened in Bandlaingampalli when Skylab, the first space station of the US fell on earth. The film is a hilarious entertainer and expectations are increasing on it. Prashant Vihari is the music director for the film while Aditya Javvadi and Ravi Teja Girijala are handling the cinematography and editing departments.
Nitya Menon and Prithvi Pinnamaraju are producing the film in a prestigious manner.