Puri Jagannath's son Akash Puri, Ketika Shama's upcoming romantic entertainer Romantic directed by Anil Paduri is releasing on November 4th. The makers are attracting the attention of all by releasing the passionate and romantic posters from the film. According to the latest the makers released the song Peeneke Baad from the film. The makers named the song as Boozy Anthem.
The song's lyrics by Bhaskara Bhatla highlighted the problems and after effects of people who drink. Sunil Kashyap's music is melodious and he mixes classical and western notes to perfection. The song has been sung with a lot of passion and immense emotion.
Ramya Krishna is playing an important role in the film. Puri Jagannath penned the story, screenplay and dialogues for the film. The film is bankrolled by PuriJagannath and Charmee Kaur on the Puri Connects banner.