Sai Dharam Tej is currently recovering in Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad. Doctors at Apollo performed surgery to Sai Dharam Tej's collar bone. Doctors yesterday in their health bulletin revealed that Sai Dharam Tej's surgery was successful but was on ventilator and his condition is being monitored constantly.
Now it is coming out that with Sai Dharam Tej recovering gradually, Apollo Hospitals decided not to release any health bulletins. However doctors informed that Sai Dharam Tej is recovering quickly and he will soon be discharged. They also informed that Sai Dharam Tej will be shifted from ICU to general ward in another 2-3 days.
It is known that Sai Dharam Tej met with a bike accident on Vinayaka Chavithi and from then on he was in ICU under doctors' observation. Celebrities visited Apollo Hospitals and inquired about Sai Dharam Tej's health and fans have been praying for his speedy recovery.