Vaishnav Tej hailing from the mega family created a sensation on his debut with his film Uppena. He already wrapped up his next under the direction of Krish. According to the latest, his third flick started its regular shooting in Hyderabad today.
The film was launched with much fanfare sometime back. The makers started the shooting after things started returning to normalcy after the second wave of the corona. The makers will be canning important scenes on the lead pair in this schedule in Hyderabad. Vaishnav tej is transforming his look for this project.
Vaishnav tej is romancing Kethika Sharma of Lakshya fame in the film. BVSN.Prasad is producing the film on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra. The film is directed by Gireesayya who scored a hit with Arjun Reddy's remake in Tamil. Apart from this project, Vaishnav tej is starring in a sports-based entertainer under the direction of Pruthvi and the film will be bankrolled on Nagarjuna's Annapurna Studios banner.