Ace producer MS Raju who surprised all with his bold film Dirty Hari is coming to entertain with his upcoming entertainer 7 Days 6 Nights. The film already started its regular shoot and according to the latest , the makers came with a crazy update on the eve of Bakrid festival. They released a poster informing that the first look will be released at 11.11 AM on July 22nd.
MS.Raju's son, actor Sumanth Ashwin is producing the film on his Wild Honey Productions banner. Sumanth Ashwin some time back revealed that the film 7 Days 6 Nights is much bolder and hotter than Dirty Hari.
The film has 14 year old Samarth Gollapudi as the music director. Rajinikanth S is co producing the film along with J Srinivasa Raju and Manthena Ramu under Wintage Pictures and ABG Creations banners.