Jabardasth, a popular comedy show in the Telugu states has given new lease of life to many upcoming, struggling and talented artistes. Many of them have also made successful transition on the silver screen. And one among them is Jabardasth comedian Venu. Now, he has raised his horizons. Wondering what is it about?
Jabardasth Venu has hit a jackpot. He is all set to don the hat of a director and the film is being bankrolled by Dil Raju himself. Yes, you have read it right. Jabardasth Venu left Dil Raju impressed with the script. The ace producer okayed the script with some corrections and decided to bankroll it.
The film will be a medium-budget film and more details are yet to be waited on the aforementioned project. Dil Raju is known for backing up talent and irrespective of star cast he produces all kinds of films which he finds sensible. Currently, he is bankrolling the pan-Indian project featuring Ram Charan and helmed by Shankar. Meanwhile, Dil Raju is occupied with Vakeel Saab and Paagal.