Niharika Konidela’s long pending project with Tamil star Vijay Sethupathi is finally hitting the screens. O Manchi Roju Choosi Cheptha is the title finalized for the film and the makers have announced to release it on March 19th in theatres. The release poster also introduces Niharika’s character in the film as Sowmya aka Abhaya Lakshmi.
Gautham Karthik and Gayathrie Shankar are the other lead cast in the black comedy film. Directed by Arumuga Kumar, the movie tells the story of a leader who belongs to a clan of thieves from Yamalingapuram that is nestled in a deep jungles. During one such heist, Yaman played by Vijay Sethupathy plans to kidnap a young girl, played by Niharika Konidela.
How the girl escapes from the clutches of Yaman and how the girl’s friend, played by Gautham Karthick, rescues her is the crux of the story.
This will be first release for Niharika after her marriage.