The reality show Bigg Boss 4 has given its contestants much needed limelight. Few contestants like Monal, Abijeet and Avinash got a new lease of life as they regained their lost fame. On the other side, Sohel, Mehboob, Ariyana, Akhil and Divi are some of the contestants who have got the required recognition and many of them are getting good offers.
AHA Comes Up With Game Show
OTT platform AHA has come up with a game show, a reality-kind of show with some of the Bigg Boss 4 contestants. As per reports, Monal and Avinash have already signed the deal, while others are being approached. The scripting process is underway for the game show format. Apparently, huge bucks are being spent on the show. And why not, with the craze the contestants are surrounded with, the OTT platform owners wants to encash on it.