What is the best measure to contain COVID 19? Allowing vaccination? Taking the best medicines prescribed by the doctors? Strict implementation of lockdown? No way! It's a bitter truth that all these measures to contain coronavirus have failed. Then which is the best solution to contain COVID?
It's simple! If you want to contain a coronavirus pandemic, you must live with it.
Did you know? When the AP government had taken a super shocking decision to get the schools reopened, it was speculated by many doctors and opposition parties that the virus would spread rapidly in schools and thousands of teachers and the students will turn out to be the victims.
Contrary to all those hearsay, the effect of COVID has been decreased drastically after reopening of schools. In that case, is there any connection to schools reopening and COVID prevention? No! But the thing is that it has become fully evident that schools, colleges and universities can be reopened amid proper precautionary measures to prevent the coronavirus. Not only, schools but also singles screens and multiplexes can be reopened.
All in all, both the centre and the state governments must ensure theatres, schools and colleges are resumed with immediate effect.