As the Telangana CM KCR announced a shower of sops to the film industry, Tollywood's celebs have been raving with the CM's gesture. It's reported that Megastar Chiranjeevi heaped praises on KCR. Tagging Chiranjeevi's tweet, Mega Power Star Ram Charan, Mega Prince Varun Tej and Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej hailed KCR. King Nagarjuna also lauded the Telangana CM.
Nagarjuna tweeted, "Utmost gratitude and thanks To the honourable CM of Telangana shri #KCR Garu for the much needed relief measures given to the Telugu film industry during these dark and uncertain times of Covid. 🙏 #telanganaCmo."
Tagging his father Megastar Chiranjeevi's tweet, Mega Power Star Ram Charan tweeted, "I whole heartedly thank the Government of Telangana for these relief measures which will go a long way towards the restoration of normalcy in Telugu Film Industry."
Mega Prince Varun Tej tweeted, "Thanks to CM KCR garu for giving a go to re-opening movie theatres..This pandemic has been really hard on everyone and for the film industry..Hopefully now things will be back to normal soon.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
"These steps taken by the authorities and Government will help our film industry bounce back with double the enthusiasm. To many more housefulls and happy smiles. 🙏🏼," Supreme hero Sai Dharam tweeted.