Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is known for his wisecracks added with pun. Whether it's a political or film issue, RGV trains his guns in his own inimitable style. RGV who stays away from social gatherings and festivals surprised one and all by celebrating the festival of lights with his family.
The video of him lighting a cracker and pictures along with videos are now doing the rounds on social media. Sharing the videos and pictures, Rangeela director wrote, “Me contributing my best to noise and poisonous smoke pollution of HAPPY DIWALI”.
Another video shows his sister VIjaya Varma lighting a flower pot while RGV hides behind the back of his mother. The Twitter caption reads, “Me hiding behind my mother because I am basically a coward”.
Another picture shows RGV with his mother and his sister and the witty caption reads, “Me trying to convince my mother and sister to have a vodka sip to spice up the boring occasion of DIWALI”.