Much awaited Pan India film KGF 2 release date has been locked. The film, as per reports, will grace the theaters for sankranthi on January 14th, 2021. However, an official confirmation is awaited on this. KGF 2 last shooting schedule began recently and hero Yash joined the shoot couple of days ago.
Sanjay Dutt’s body double is used to shoot climax portions of the film directed by Prashanth Neel. KGF 2 entire shoot will be wrapped up end of this month. Post-production works are happening simultaneously. Since KGF was a sensational hit in all the languages, expectations are sky high on part 2.
KGF 2 will now lock horns with Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab which will also release for the festival season. Nithiin’s Rang De, Akhil’s Most Eligible Bachelor, Bellamkonda Srinivas’s Alludu Adhurs and few other films are also planned for sankranthi release.
However, the major competition will be between KGF 2 and Vakeel Saab!