The meaning of film and filmmaking is changing drastically with the advent of technology. Now speculation is increasing whether short films are showing stars to the top OTTs. The duration of films started decreasing. In the olden days the duration used to be around 3-4 hours and with the passage of time, the duration came down to 2.30 hours. This got reduced even further to 2 hours.
Now to attract people with busy schedules, short films came with lesser duration. Following the corona pandemic and closure of theatres, Ram Gopal Varma started his own ATT and came with lesser duration films in the range of 20 to 30 minutes or so. Shreyas Media also came up with Shreyas ET App and started streaming short films on pay per view basis. Now reports are coming that, Shreyas Media is planning to come up with a new plan.
Shreyas Media announced that to entertain people during the break, they are coming with ‘Snack Films’. They are uploading short films of 10 minutes duration in the name of Anytime Showtime. Youtube has many such films with ten minutes duration. OTTs are of the opinion that Shryeas Media is fooling people by rebranding them as Snack Films and making money on pay per view basis.