Krish who last directed Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna in NTR biopic is currently doing a tentatively titled periodic entertainer Viroopaksha with Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The film is put on hold temporarily as Pawan Kalyan told the makers to resume the shoot, after completing his other project Vakeel Saab with Venu Sriram.
It may take at least two to three months’ time for resumption of shoot of Viroopaksha. So, Krish is starting another film. He will be doing a medium range film with Sai Dharam Tej’s brother Vaishnav Tej who is making his entry with Uppena.
The yet to be titled of Vaishnav Tej and Krish is launched today and filming will commence from tomorrow. Krish will complete the production works of the film in a single schedule by the end of October. Rakul Preet Singh is the heroine.
Vaishnav Tej is definitely lucky to work with a star director in the beginning of his career. The young hero recently signed a film for GA 2 Entertainments banner.