Speculations are rife with the reports that, ace director SS Rajamouli and team is planning to release RRR first look or a small teaser on Independence Day. Few even went on to report that, Rajamouli already finalized first look and teaser cut is also got readied. But, there’s no truth in them.
Rajamouli and his family members tested corona positive recently. They are in home-quarantine and are undergoing treatment at their residence. That’s indeed not stopping Rajamouli to release first look or teaser. When he decides to spend time with family, Rajamouli doesn’t usually think about work.
Earlier, Rajamouli planned to release NTR’s first look and teaser from RRR on the actor’s birthday, like he did for Ram Charan’s birthday. But, due to lockdown, he couldn’t release any content on the date.
Now, it is almost not possible for the team to come up with a teaser. If they had the possibility, they would have released it for NTR’s birthday. Thus, there’s no question of releasing special teaser on August 15th.
RRR was scheduled for release during Sankranthi in 2021. But, it seems, the film may get postponed to summer or other release.