Krishna Nagar in Hyderabad used to be the destination for all those aspiring to make a mark in Tollywood. Almost all those who wish to make a mark in the industry used to land in Krishna Nagar with the dream of seeing their name on the title card of a film on the silver screen.
They used to share their happy feelings, sad happenings, references helping them each other while spending time at Poorna Tiffins, Potti Veerayya bunk near Indiranagar, and Ganpathi Complex.
But the spread of coronavirus pandemic resulted in the stabbing of Krishna Nagar's heart and now all of them parted ways and few do not even know where their friends went to.
All the spots right from Ganpathi Complex, Krishna Nagar, Indiranagar and Jubilee Hills Check post wear a deserted look. All are praying and desperately hoping the crisis to end and the areas buzz with activity.
All their lives got affected and many are depending on the help donations from the kind-hearted people.