He is a mischievous student in the class. Never ever has he cared the words of teachers nor maintained discipline and punctuality as framed by the school's administration as its prime objectives. He could be a drop out student though. He is very poor at all subjects prescribed as syllabus. In short, he is considered to be 'MODDABBAYI' in the class.
He is a bright student in the class. He obeys the orders of teachers humbly while he stands topper in the class performing exceptionally well in the exams. He is considered to be the merit student in the class.
And now, Moddabbayi is laughing at merit student. It's because Telangana government decided to promote all SSC students, aforementioned moddabbayi and merit student will be declared pass. How pathetic the situation for a merit student is!
The education department may get themselves defended saying bright students will get a justice as they could have performed well in internal assessment and so will be getting better grades. But then, as those exams were conducted not as strict as public exams in almost all schools, mass copying might have been practised in the exams which resulted in poor students get same grades as merit students.
Telangana government should have deferred the exams either to July or August rather cancelling the examinations. It's undoubtedly be the biggest blunder committed by the government.