A noted doctor from Narsipatnam named Sudhakar was arrested and taken into custody by the police in a humiliating manner on Saturday. The visuals showcased that the shirtless doctor behaved like an insane on the road and was caught and forcibly let to sit in an auto.
But then, why had the doctor met such a poor fate? According to the reports, the doctor, who works as an anesthesiologist in the local area hospital, alleged that no sufficient PPEs are available with the doctors.
The government felt questioning the government by the government employee is an offense and suspended him right away.
From then on the doctor has gone frustrated immensely and was losing his senses. Out of that pathetic state, the doctor behaved psychotic on the road creating an extreme levels of nuisance. Finally, he was nabbed by the police.
While a section of media were kept on alleging the YSRCP government brutally behaved towards the doctor, the YSRCP sources said he was a TDP's doctor and was arrested for using filthy language on police and for creating nuisance on the road.
However, it's observed in the broader sense, it's YSRCP, that held responsible the doctor suspended and went mad. How pitiable condition of a person at a respectable position in the society!!